Assault in Maine, Misdemeanor, Felony & Aggravated Assault Laws

assault in Maine is a serious charge Assault in Maine is normally a misdemeanor but prior convictions, injuries, use of a weapon and other factors can increase the crime to a felony or an aggravated assault. The class of crime and the sentences depend on the circumstances of the incident and what facts the prosecutor can prove.

While assault sounds simple, it’s actually a complicated crime to prove and to defend. There are always factual disputes about what really happened, witnesses are often intoxicated, and defenses like self-defense often apply. To understand Maine assault charges, you need to know a bit about the law. This article covers the following topics, use the links to jump to that section: [Read more…]

Not Guilty Verdict: Felony Domestic Violence Terrorizing

domestic violence terrorizing jury box in Maine courtDomestic violence terrorizing charges are taken very seriously in Maine. In this case, the District Attorney was demanding prison time, the victim cooperated with the prosecution and was willing to testify at trial. My client maintained his innocence and refused to plead guilty. We had a jury trial in York County Superior Court in Alfred, Maine and got a not guilty verdict. [Read more…]

Federal Firearm Prohibition: Gun Ban for Felonies, Misdemeanors, More

federal firearms prohibitions prevent many people from owning gunsMany people understand that felons can’t possess guns because they are subject to a federal firearms prohibition. What most do not realize is that federal gun laws make it a crime for many others, even those with no criminal convictions, to possess firearms. This article will address these issues and explain who is prohibited from doing what. You can use the links below to jump to a specific section of the article. [Read more…]

Domestic Violence Assault in Maine: Definitions, Sentences, Defenses

Maine law allows particularly harsh penalties for Domestic Violence Assault. Still, the state must prove the case beyond all reasonable doubt before a person can be convicted. So what does the State need to prove, and what makes these cases different from any other type of assault charge?
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