Maine laws on jail visits, drugs, rape, harassment & driving may change

Changes proposed to Maine Criminal law

Turn and face the strange

Every session, Maine lawmakers propose changes to our criminal law. Many of these proposals shape who is prosecuted for what crimes and what penalties they can face. Current draft legislation would impact jail visitation, Maine’s drug trafficking laws, punishment for text messages of genitals, Maine’s sex offender registry, treatment of juvenile marijuana possession and enforcement of Maine’s driving laws. Here is an overview of some of the significant LDs on the docket. [Read more…]

Driving With a Suspended License or OAS: Not Guilty Verdict

Maine driving with a suspeneded licnese, OAS trial ends in not guilty verdictUnder Maine law, driving with a suspended license is called Operating After Suspension or OAS. Many people think that these crimes are easy to prove and that it’s not worth hiring a lawyer for a suspended license case. I have handled hundreds of OAS cases and there are often defenses. Here’s the story of one case where my client was charged with driving on a suspended license and a bail violation. The prosecutor refused to dismiss and my client refused to plead guilty. If he was convicted, the judge had said he would send him to jail and, since he had a lengthy driving history, the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles would have revoked his license for three years as a habitual offender. We had a trial and the jury found my client not guilty. [Read more…]

Maine Drivers License Points and Administrative License Suspensions

In maine, there are a lot of ways to get your driver’s license suspended. People who drive while suspended can be charged with operating after suspension or operating after habitual offender revocation and those offenses have mandatory minimum sentences. This article will discuss some of the events that trigger license suspension in Maine.

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Operating After Suspension or Habitual Offender Revocation Charges in Maine

Suspended Maine LicenseIn Maine, it’s easy to get charged with Operating After Suspension or OAS. There are a lot of ways to get suspended and the State Does a lousy job of notifying people of the suspension. Still, the penalties are very real: Large fines are mandatory and jail time must be imposed in more serious cases. Even if there is no court imposed suspension, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles will suspend your license again if you plead guilty. [Read more…]